Mens Club Meeting Thursday Night May 27th at 7:45pm

We're late!

Usually our monthly Mens Club meeting - open to all members - happens on the 3rd Thursday of the month. But last week - Shavuot ended on Thursday night - disrupting our sensitive and highly organized schedule.

Now what?

Well, after much teeth nashing, deliberation and the renting of garments (I got a lime green tuxedo and a pair of bowling shoes) the Men's Organization decided to hold our meeting one week later.

So - with much trepidation - we are scheduling our monthly Men's club meeting for this coming Thursday night - May 27th - at 7:45pm.

Our topic of discussion will be -

The Big Ten (Commandments) - which do you find the most troubling?

All are welcome. See you Thursday.

Gasps and Giggles - And if you haven't taken a moment to read and get offended b y Harry Perkal's latest article you really should head over to and see for yourself what the uproar is about.